Autodidact inventor of the "METHODS of JEAN PAIN", processes allowing, from brushwood and residuals woods, to produce a hight-fertilizing pre-compost, to collect heat by contact with the fermenting heap, and to produce biogas.
Author-editor of the reference book :
with his wife Ida PAIN.
French citizen, Jean PAIN was born in Switzerland December 12, 1928.As a butcher's son he was designed to become a butcher too, and learnt this job.
But he didn't like the butcher's work, so he left the family home to explore the life.
By wandering, he discovered many kinds of jobs, from "market porter" to goat herder.
His curiosity and his ingenuity even brought him to create a prodigious cleaning product during the sixties.
In 1964, Jean PAIN and his wife become guards of a domain located in Villecroze, Var, South of France.
The couple starts to live very close to the nature, breeds goats under extraordinary conditions, products a delicious and exceptionnal goat cheese from their goats' milk, and grows almost all they need.
In 1970, Jean PAIN invents "The Methods of Jean PAIN", a method to obtain a pre-compost from brushwood. Qualities of this compost are extraordinary and allows to product vegetables even on very poor soil without watering, without ay treatment and without any other fertilizer than his "Brushwood compost".
In 1972 Ida PAIN, his wife, write the book "An Other Kind of Garden" telling about his discoveries.
In 1976 Jean PAIN is awarded the medal of the Knight of the Order of Agriculture by the minister of Agriculture of the time, Mr Maihaignerie, for his works about the "Brushwood Compost".
He invented the"Jean PAIN Chipper", because none of the existing chippers were able to reduce brushwood and woody plants into a chip with a size suitable for composting according with Jean PAIN's Method.
He also demonstrated the possibility of extracting heat energy from contact with the fermenting mass, and produced "bio gaz" from highly woody material.
In 1977 Jean PAIN is honored by the distinction of "Homme de Région" (Man of the Region) by the "Jeunes Chambres Economiques de la Région PACA", as the "Jeune Chambre Economique du département du Var" chosen him to apply for obtaining this title.
He was in 'competition' with Dr BOMBARD for the department of Var and Monsignor ETCHEGARAY for the department of Alpes Maritimes.
Very mediatised man, he was listened to and followed, but also had his critics.
Some wanted him to be a Templar reincarnation.
Of course, as a pragmatist, Jean PAIN, didn't care about that, knowing that only his curiosity, his sens of observation, his common sense and his experiences were the source of his amazing discovery.
Jean PAIN passed away on July 30, 1981, overcome by a bladder cancer, without seeing his ideas implemented on a scale worthy of the importance of his discovery.
He rests in peace in Villecroze's cemetery.
Ida PAIN keeps on representing with dignity Jean PAIN, and has reissued their book "THE METHODS OF JEAN PAIN or AN OTHER KIND OF GARDEN" fundamental document representing the unique reference on the subject.
"Reforestation will be the Sign and Work of Authentic Civilization."