Equipe Jean PAIN
Image of a branches' chipper
French flag Created and built in France.

French manufacturer of wood chippers since 1981, Equipe Jean PAIN is a family business which is committed to offering reliable, durable equipment, producing wood chips that can be used without any kind of screening or sorting.

Forest, the energy of tomorrow
"Reforestation will be the sign and work of authentic Civilization." - Jean PAIN

Our chippers

Jean PAIN wood chippers

Our chippers, a complete range to satisfy all needs, from individuals to professionals.


Method of Jean PAIN and ramial chipped wood, two similar techniques for a healthy and ecological garden.


Methanisation, heat retrieval, wood chips boiler... wood energy in all its forms.


Forest exploitation, forest fires, biodiversity : the environment at the heart of our approach.

Wood chipper SUPER-PAIN 450
Chipper for green wastes SUPER-PAIN 280
Branches chipper SUPER-PAIN 280
Brushwood chipper SUPER-PAIN 450