General Information


Main parts of the chipper.
Sharpening and setting them determine the quality of the chipped material produced and the efficiency of the chipper.
Sharpening is a simple recovery of the cutting edge
Changing blades takes about 20 minutes.
Simply loosen two to six screws (depending on model) to remove and replace the blades
A shim is used to select the thickness of the chip product.
On the SUPER-PAIN 280 and the SUPER-PAIN 450, chipper's output and absorbed power depend on the number of blades.
About the SUPER-PAIN 450 on three-point tractor, the four blades version will be chosen for a tractor with less than 20 hp, and the six blades version for a tractor with an higher power.
SUPER-PAIN 450 (6 blades version), 600, 900, 1300 and 1700 are perfectly able to work with only 3 blades, when we want to work with the settings for thicker chips, less power and big diameter to chip.
The number of blades doesn't change anything on the quality of the chipped material.
Only the setting of the blade passing over the disk surface defines the thickness of the chip.

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Jean PAIN chippers are designed from the very beginning to produce a homogeneous chipped material with a maximum thickness of 4 mm and the particularity to ensure the total absence of big piece and sawdust.
This granulometry is obtained without refiner at the output, which ensures:

This technology is the result of a research that began more than twenty-five years ago in order to satisfy the specifications of "Methods JEAN PAIN," technique of composting woody material which is our core business.

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The big pieces of wood, of variable length and thickness, causes some troubles :

JEAN PAIN chippers, by their specific conception, do not produce any big piece whaterve the wood used is. (fresh wood, logs, branches, slabs edging, short product from sawmill, etc.)

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Sawdust is producet by chippers equiped with a refiner; with this equipment, some produts which are already thin enough can't go out of the chipper and are re-chipped many times by the refiner.
Sawdust causes some troubles :

JEAN PAIN chippers, by their specific conception, do not produce sawdust whaterve the wood used is. (fresh wood, logs, branches, slabs edging, short product from sawmill, etc.)

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The chippers can work by "gravity feeding", which means the boughs are dragged by the only strengh of the blades, without any dragger's help. This option doesn't change the chipped material quality, which is not related to the feeding speed. However, in this situation, it is best to prepare the bushy branches and forked and adjust the maximum diameter to the power available.
Hydraulic bough-dragger is a guaranty of a best comfort during working, an increased chipper's production and an absorbed power management. It allows to reach the maximal capacities of the chipper, whatever could be the available power -with some limits, of course.
The hydraulic bough-dragger is composed of following pieces :

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When we want to apply the Methods of Jean PAIN with branches of a diameter bigger than 8mm, we must chip the branches. (grass and fallen leaves can be added to the heap without chipping)
First, please remind the word of Jean PAIN on the page 48 of his book THE METHODS OF JEAN PAIN : "... it is better to have a long, thin fragment than a short, thick one ..." .
Experience shown us that the thickness of these fragments shouldn't in any case exceed 4mm, and that the best thickness was around 2 or 3mm. The materials should never be reduced to sawdust or pulp (risk of suffocation).
The most important thing to get is the good granulometry before composting. Any refining during composting will change negatively the compost value and lost an important part of the mass of the fermenting heap. Similarly, any refining after the composting phase releases inhibitors blocked in the biggest chips. Any additional manipulation (refining, screening, turning, ...) greatly increases the cost of compost.
SUPER-PAIN chippers obtain this granulometry at the first -and only- cut.

At the choice of a chipper, no matter it is big or small, these are the main points to remind :

We hope these reminders will help you to choose consciously the most adapted chipper among those we can propose.
Chippers SUPER-PAIN are especially designed and realized to fit perfectly with all these standards

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